Bethlehem, Palestine

This city is holy to both Christians and Muslims. It is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God to the Christians, and a divinely inspired prophet to Muslims. The city has a long pre-Roman history dating back to the 14th century BC.

Market on the way to the Nativity Church.
Omar Mosque adjacent to Manger Square.
The Manger just outside the Nativity Church.  Everything is life-size.


One of the earlier “Pope Mobiles.” Here an unruly tourist violates the rule of boarding the vehicle itself. He was quickly escorted away.
Home to somebody.
View of the Bethlehem neighborhood. In the distance is an Israeli settlement located in the West Bank.  Even from a distance one can see these are well built.
Young Palestinians aggregating to protest conditions in the West Bank.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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