Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey

This area is one of the oldest I have ever been to. Founded before 900 BC. The city was occupied for nearly 2,500 years. The corresponding periods in time are from the Greek Dark Ages until The Late Middle ages. It lay buried in sentiment for nearly 800 years and was discovered in the 1800s by archaeologists John Wood and Otto Benndorf.  It remains an active dig site and possibly won’t be fully excavated for decades.  It is located on the south-west coast of modern Turkey.

The Library of Celsus.
The Library of Celsus.
Another perspective of The Library.
Another perspective of The Library.
These images just keep coming at me.
These images just keep coming at me.
Main Street
Main Street which is several hundred yards long.
Built by the Greeks in 356 BC this amphitheater is incredible.
Built by the Greeks around 300 BC this amphitheater is incredible.
Of course a cemetery
Of course a cemetery
Lunch at a home in a nearby village.
Lunch at a home in a nearby village. I met a local at the archaeological site who was kind enough to invite me to their home for lunch.
View a the village up to my host's home for lunch.
View of  the village street on my way up to my host’s home for lunch.
View from my host’s home.
Another perspective without the portion of deferred maintenance.
Village area with kiosks and shops.  Notice the minaret in the distance.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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