Fakarava, French Polynesia

This is actually a tiny Atoll, albeit one of the largest in the island chain. It’s really the stuff of South Seas fantasy. White and pink sand beaches are the rule here. Only 3,000 inhabitants enjoy this beautiful idyllic place. Bikes are the best way to get around. The entire place is a Unesco-protected area.
Being such only testifies to the richness of the ecosystem of this atoll: particularly rare fauna and flora, with kingfisher hunter, the palm trees of the Tuamotu and, in the lagoons, the abundant variety of shellfish.
Fabulous diving and snorkeling experiences here too. The waters contain a high concentration of pelagic fauna and fishes such as barracudas, hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks. After being in the water with these animals you do develop a certain comfort level, but always have an elevated awareness around you.

This is a pretty magical place.  Check out the pics.  You just keep shooting them, the atoll seems to get more beautiful as you spend time here.

Miles of this.  Amazing!
Miles of this. Amazing!
Snorkel and just soak site #2.
Snorkel and just soak site #2.


Snorkel site #1. Fish mostly around the coral reefs
Snorkel site #1. Fish mostly around the coral reefs
Fairly typical beach here.
Fairly typical beach here.
Just as beautiful.  Never gets boring.
Just as beautiful. Never gets boring.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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