Montevideo, Urugray

This town is awesome.  Really walk friendly too.  What rhymes with latte but is obviously way more addicting for some?  If you answered mate’ (pronounced Mah-tAA) you are correct.  When walking about in this place I happened to notice an abundant number of folks enjoying this hot tea-like beverage.  There are three pieces of equipment needed to partake.  First a special mate’ cup and filtered straw, and also a thermos.  The thermos is necessary because once addicted you can’t let go.  Once the liquid is consumed you will find in the bottom of the cup or mug a sludgy greenish-brown paste; much like long chewing tobacco which has been thoroughly enjoyed.  See the many images that a snapped surreptitiously.  People of all ages seem to be enjoying this stuff.  In America mate’ exists, however like the original Coke Cola of 1906, it does not contain the addictive ingredient.

This dude is the only person I saw without a thermos reservoir.
His thermos is sitting on a table. You can see the silver top.
This consumer drinks and holds with the same arm. This grasp is know as the one-arm.
This apparent tourist seems to be mug testing in order to get into the game.
This apparent tourist seems to be mug testing in order to get into the game.
Lovers on a park bench enjoy too.
Lovers on a park bench enjoy too.
Old folks seem to have the bug too.
Old folks seem to have the bug as well.
This guy is taking some time away from his mate' (seen just in front of him) to enjoy a Big Mac.
This guy is taking some time away from his mate’ (seen just in front of him) to enjoy a Big Mac.
Seems one arming it is the hold of choice.
Seems one-arming it is the hold of choice.
These guys too.  Mate' knows no sexual orientation.  Everyone seems to enjoy them.
These guys too. Mate’ knows no sexual orientation. Everyone seems to enjoy them.
Again the one-arm hold is seen here.
Again the one-arm hold is seen here.
Another one-arm demonstration.
Another one-arm demonstration.

After a lengthy walk in order to get these candid shots I developed a powerful appetite.  Consequently I dropped into the most amazing assembly of BBQ restaurants I have ever seen.  The place was called Mercado del Puerto.  Translating to “market at the port.” It was a huge market at one time.  Now it plays home to about 20 or so BBQ joints.  They start cranking up the grill at about 10 AM by burning special varieties of logs.  The fire burns from behind the actual grill and then the hot coals are shoveled forward under the grills as needed.  I happen to enjoy an amazing slab of beef tenderloin from Argentina.  The aromas in the place could even make a vegan eat meat.

Grill setup pre-opening.  Here you can really see what's gonna be cooking.
Grill setup pre-opening. Here you can really see what’s gonna be cooking.
Close up of the fair.
Close up of the fair.
Pre-opening scene is peaceful.  Wait till you see below pics during the food assault.
Pre-opening scene is peaceful. Wait till you see below pics during the food assault.
Here's a typical grill. Look what's cooking here.
Here’s a typical grill. Look what’s cooking here.
Here's the grillmaster at work.
Here’s the grillmaster at work.
Just another perspective of the energy in this place.
Just another perspective of the energy in this place.
These folks seem to be enjoying the old Beatles drink of Scotch and Coke.
These folks seem to be enjoying the old Beatles drink of Scotch and Coke. Check out the otherwise chaotic scene. Looks like a BBQ feeding frenzy.
Here's the place I eat at.
Here’s the place I eat at.
Eat right here at the bar.  Best place to experience the true vibe of any place.
Eat right here at the bar. Best place to experience the true vibe of any place.


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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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