Shipwreck, Chilean Fjords

In 1961 this merchant vessel ran into some bad luck, not to mention an underwater rock formation.  Thirty-five souls went down or drowned in this unfortunate event.  If you look closely you are able to see its hull gradually being taken back to the sea.  There have many such incidents in the fjords over the years.  Just thought it was interesting.

The hull of this ill fated vessel.
The hull of the ill fated vessel.
A closer shot
A closer shot
Lots of rainbow encounters along the way.
Lots of rainbow encounters along the way.
Another view.
Another view.
A different rainbow encounter.
A different rainbow encounter.
Off my bow, these things seem to be everywhere.
Off my bow, these things seem to be everywhere.
Background defocused.
Background defocused.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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