St. Tropez and Corsica, France

The beaches I found on the island of Corsica were truly amazing. The waters were warm, the snorkeling incredible, and the French food was delicious. Corsica has much more to offer than just beaches, however that’s about all I was able to experience during my brief visit to the island. Corsica was a planned destination, but we decided to cut the time short and do a drive by (sail by) to St. Tropez on the way to our next destination. So I will briefly cover that stop here as well.

The beautiful colors in the sea surrounding Corsica are unquestionably some of the best. I could float here for hours.
Amazing and not well frequented beaches abound.
This is about as crowded as it gets. While the rocky beaches aren’t the most comfortable, there are also plenty of sandy areas as well.
View to the south where there is some development. Corsica has not been over-developed, as many places in the Mediterranean have been.
Monument to Napoleon. In the sculpture he looks much taller than his actual height of 5’6″.

Less than a day’s sail from Corsica we sailed to St. Tropez. This town has quite a reputation for opulence, excess, yacht competitions, and the like. While there I tried to experience some of what this place has to offer.

This is the coastline on my approach to St. Tropez.
I ended up making friends with a few of the people on this craft which was moored near our vessel. I spent a great afternoon just talking and enjoying a fabulous white French burgundy with them before going into town.
In town, this was the French restaurant I chose to dine in for a very late lunch. It’s name was Le Cafe’ and the wine cellar was quite impressive.
The bread in France is some of the best on the planet, no matter where you choose to dine. I stopped here at Le Cafe’ for a light snack. Escargot anybody?
Here’s a great spot for a cocktail or a coffee. Since it was getting late in the afternoon, I chose a cocktail. And this place served a great “Suze & Tonic.” This is the French twist on the classic British “Gin & Tonic.”
A typical street for some shopping, if that’s your thing. Personally, when I shop it’s for food and beverages. They are most times very enjoyable and delicious, while being easy to transport when you travel.

At this time, I am not quite sure where the next destination will be, except that it will be somewhere in the Mediterranean. I will keep you posted, so to speak.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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