Nida, Neringa, Lithuania

Nida is a small, very low key resort town on the spit of land Neringa, on the Baltic Sea. This idyllic little place is home to only 4 thousand people. It was an old fishing village and retains much of that character today. It’s a time capsule in some ways, one is that the children you see riding their bikes, playing ball, or otherwise things kids do, are almost totally devoid of any electronic devices. The forests you walk through on the way to the beach smell so fragrant with that “woodsy” smell. No need to lock your doors as crime is non-existent.

My home for my stay here.
Typical street in Nida.
Wildflowers abound everywhere.
Tiny marina with the boats of current day fishermen.
Hike up to the largest and highest sand dune known as the “Dead Dune.” In prior centuries, these dunes were constantly moving. Consequently, they would occasionally encroach and bury the fishing villages. In order to prevent this, the villagers constructed walls to impede the movement. This led to the dunes becoming stagnant, and thus dying.
Overlooking the Curonian Lagoon from the dune’s apex.
Another view of the Curonian lagoon. The land along the horizon is mainland Lithuania.
Crowded beach day.
View to the north just minutes before sunset.
Sunset over the Baltic

In a few days I will head to the Mediterranean for warmer waters and a whole different food experience.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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