Kotor and Perast, Montenegro

This is one stunningly beautiful place in the Balkans. It’s bordered by Serbia and Bosnia, and Kosovo to the east. Kotor was founded in the 5th century. The old city was built in 12th to m14th centuries. The protected walls lead up the the fortress of Saint Ivan. Kotor is on the World Heritage list.

Within the walled city people enjoy taverns, restaurants, museums, and old churches.
Just another quiet street where some businesses are closed for the season.
Just outside the gate you can see what was once a functioning draw-bridge.
Scarf man was happy I was in his shop.
The pending hike up to the old fortress. Assuming you can, this is something you must do when visiting Kotor.
Steps, steps, and more steps on the way up to the top.
The view from above. It had to be at least 1,800 steps to the fortress at the top. I’m glad I wasn’t part of the construction crew who built it.
The mountain range behind the old fortress does not look like it’s easily crossable. Thus, no sizable attacks could be mustered from this direction.
Part of the old fortress. All the materials were transported up from the city below.
Descending from the fortress back down to Kotor.


Perast is a tiny village about a 30 minute ride from Kotor. It’s right on the water and a great place to grab lunch. There is some fishing here, but not a lot more to do.

Perast from the street above. Not much to look at from this perspective except the beautiful Adriatic Sea.
Perast from the water. This little town is absolutely charming and so picturesque.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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