Dubrovnik, Croatia

This was a great choice to visit. It’s on the Dalmatian Coast in the Adriatic Sea. The city was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1979 in recognition of its outstanding medieval architecture and fortified old town. The city dates back to the 7th century. In 1991 it was besieged by the Yugoslav People’s Army for 7 months and suffered significant damage from bombings and shellings (See image below).

Sunrise along the Dalmatian Coast just outside Dubrovnik.
One unique bridge. Gotta love the physics at play here.
Visitors entering the walled city. There was a lot filming done here for the HBO series The Game of Thrones. It’s easy to see why.
Typical street inside the city. There are numerous taverns, restaurants, and shops.
Love seeing stuff like this Vespa displayed in stores.
This is the plaza area within the city.
A curious candy lover for sure. Not just another “looky lu.” She was not leaving without sampling and buying a variety of these tasty treats.
A view toward the marina and harbor.
1991. The walled city after being bombed and shelled by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
2022. Same perspective as the image just above, but 31 years later. The clock tower still stands. The restoration of this site is nothing short of incredible.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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