North Shore, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.

The North Shore of Maui is vastly different from the major tourist destinations of Wailea or Kaanapali. There are no major hotels, only a few very small ones. There are several great restaurants in the area. What the North Shore is best known for are giant waves. The largest waves in the world are often recorded as happening here, and Peahi (better known as Jaws) is it. The largest of these monsters arise only in the winter months. The genesis of these waves is the severe Pacific winter storms in the northern hemisphere. These storms which may be a few thousand miles away create giant swells. This area of Maui is also a nice part to spend time on if you are looking for a more local experience. There are some nice little towns on this side of the island, Kula, Makawao, and Pukalani to name a few. There is a lot of agriculture upcountry too. I also visited Haleakala National Park during sunrise at Maui’s highest point atop of the extinct volcano.

The Lumeria Retreat was a very low-key and chill place to stay. Plus many yoga offerings. The drive to the beaches was only about 15 minutes. There were limited amenities here, but the gardens, birds, and trees were beautiful.
I think this woman is practicing as I walked by. Or maybe something else is going on. It was hard to tell.
One of many rainbows over the little coastal town of Paia on the North Shore.
Baldwin beach is just a few minutes from Paia. The West Maui mountains are in the background. Because of the natural breakwater in a couple of spots, even very little kids can safely enjoy the water without too much risk of being carried away. Of course, drowning is always a possibility.
As a result of the prevalent winds here, kite surfing is happening almost every day. This guy is just going out. Their kites dancing in the air can be seen as far out as 1-2 miles.
Usually, a few sea turtles scatter the beach where the waters are a bit more tranquil.
Paia fish market on the corner is a great, yet reasonable option for lunch or dinner. Get the blackened ahi.
People at Jaws viewing the impressive surf. It was hard to tell how big these swells were because there were no surfers the morning I was here.
Another image of these giant crashing waves. Quite sizable.
Impressive doesn’t even begin to describe this surfer. I was not the one who captured this image last year at Jaws. Judging from relative proportions, this wave appears to be a least 45-50 feet high.
Another rainbow at Baldwin’s “Baby Beach.”
Mama’s Fish House at night. Great fare but a bit touristy. Also, a nice lunch option since its location is a primo beachfront. The entire place is open-air, so it feels great. Steven Tyler of Aerosmith fame was here the night I dined. He still looks pretty good at 74.
View toward the Big Island. The two peaks seen are the two volcanos Mauna Kea and Kilauea. Kilauea is currently active with lava flows.
Best upcountry restaurant, The Hali’imaile General Store. If you are spending time on this part of the island it’s pretty convenient to get to. If you are in one of the resorts on the West Coast, make sure you have a “DD” because it will take over an hour in the car and these guys make great cocktails.

So that’s going to be it from Maui this time. Until I write and publish again, stay safe and enjoy some time away somewhere.

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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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