Komodo Island, Indonesia

Home to the famous Komodo Dragon, these lizards are also known as the Komodo Monitor. They can grow up to 10-12 feet in length and can weight some 150-250 pounds. Fossils very similar to the Komodoensis have been found in Australia dating back greater than 3.8 million years ago and its body has remained pretty much unchanged. These creatures can live for between 30-40 years.  They were thought to be deaf, however they do hear, albeit poorly.  However, their sense of smell is particularly acute. They are able to detect carrion from as far away as 2.5-6.0 miles.  This is their mainstay as far as diet.

My approach to the island.
Another image of Komodo island.
Great cloud formations.
The tongue is very sensitive and helps them detect food which is close.  But it is their sense of smell which allows them to find most of their food.  They can be fairly quick as well.
Serious claws on these monsters.  Their sense of smell is so acute that if you have any open cuts you are strongly urged not to come ashore.  For women this also applies to menstruation.
Forked tongue can be 12-15 inches long.
Perfect photo opportunity.
Sign designating it as a World Heritage Site.
Parting view of the beast.
The Pink Beach is only a 15 minute Zodiac trip away.  Awesome reef here for snorkeling or diving.  No Komodos on this island either.
Beautiful fish feasting on the reef.
Another colorful specimen.
Nemo is talking to me.
One more just for added color.


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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.

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