Horseback though Ushuaia, Argentina

Took another break today to horseback ride in what began as a very scenic ride through this beautiful land. At a latitude of 50.8 degrees south, Ushuaia is The most southern city on Earth.  This city of 50,000 is the staging point for most of the Antarctic expeditions.  It is one of the fastest growing cities in Argentina.

The town is rustic and natural, but many of the homes are painted in pastel colors in order to brighten things a bit.  In winter the temps are well below zero and the sun rises only briefly.  The towering mountains surrounding this city rise to an altitude of 6,500 feet from sea level quite dramatically.  The city is very clean and crisp.

Now back to the horseback ride.  It began with a steep climb along a narrow path to what was a great vantage point for panoramic photos.  The shots taken (see below) show the harbor town and the surrounding majestic mountain peaks, as well as the pitch of the slope.  Unfortunately for one rider in our group (who was a very experienced equestrian) it ended shortly after those majestic views.  He was one rider ahead of me when his horse became spooked.  The horse jerked unexpectedly throwing the rider off.  It happened so quickly that I had difficulty processing it for a moment.  He flew up in the air and dropped like an anchor to the ground.  His body at first appeared lifeless.  Another rider, who had prior experience as a medic came to his aid.  As it turns out the unlucky rider suffered a minor concussion, some neck trauma, and a severely broken wrist. His hand swelled almost instantly to the size of a small balloon.  On a selfish note, needless to say, it was a major buzzkill.  I held on much tighter after that. I also decided that this would most likely be my last ride on a horse.  So in this city, the southernmost on earth, a few firsts and lasts for me took place.  See pics below.

Nice steep slope for those horses on the assent
Nice steep slope for those horses on the assent. One mis-step by the horse and you are dead (or worse yet, wish that you were).
This is the back of our ill-fated rider on the way up.
This is the back of our ill-fated rider on the way up. Little did he know here that in about 20 minutes time he would be so very f*^ked. (Blogger’s note: I subsequently learned that he had to abort the rest of his trip and fly out to receive surgery. It would take him 3 days to get to his home in Honolulu. Interestingly, his wife stayed on. I’d divorce the bitch when she finally gets home.)
A view from the top
A view from the top
and another image from above.
and another image from above.
A view to the sea from horseback.  This was my last shot from the saddle, as after the incident I thought it was better to hold on tight.
A view to the sea from horseback. This was my last shot from the saddle, as after the incident I thought it was better to hold on tight. Jews and horses rarely mix.
Setting sun on the surrounding mountains.
Setting sun on the surrounding mountains.
So I was able to enjoy my very first bunny rabbit here.  Very impressive dish.  They should serve it more in the U.S.of A.  For all the hopping around this thing must have done it was surprisingly tender.  Great mustard preparation too.  It was called conejo
So I was able to enjoy my very first bunny rabbit here. Very impressive dish. They should serve it more in the U.S.of A. For all the hopping around this thing must have done it was surprisingly tender. Great mustard preparation too. It was called “Conejo Confitado.”
Been away for so long now a had too stop into a local salon and get a tune up.  My cameraman took this without my knowing.. The stylist was funny even in spanish.  No clue what he was saying.
Been away for so long now a had too stop into a local salon and get a tune up. My cameraman took this without my knowing.. The stylist was funny, even in spanish. No clue what he was saying.
Harbor shot with the Andes in background.
Harbor shot with the Andes in background.
Russian expedition ship bound for Antartica which is about to embark. See all the happy passengers on top.  This vessel looks like a total bucket and is likely captained by drunken Russians.  You'd never find me on it.
Russian expedition ship bound for Antartica which is about to embark. See all the happy passengers on top. This vessel looks like a total bucket and is likely captained by drunken Russians. You’d never find me on it.



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Born in New Jersey in 1956. Lives in Colorado and travels the world.