Amalfi and the Isle of Capri, Italy

These places were as romantic as places can be.  From Amalfi I took a 45 minute ferry to Capri.  The Isle of Capri is one of the most visited places in Campania.  It is this place that was celebrated in Homer’s works where Odysseus sails past the island, and narrowly escaped the fate of those who hear the voices of the Sirens.  Thus the island has a mythical charm, as well as natural treasures, through the writings and legends of Ancient Greece.

The island is composed of two municipalities: Capri and Anacapri.  The latter is built on a high plateau, which affords staggering views of sheer cliffs from dizzying vantage points as you’ll see in the images below.

View from above Amalfi.
View from a point above Amalfi.
View from my hotel balcony.
View from my hotel balcony.  I spent three days here mostly eating and drinking.  During that time I must have walked up and down about 10,000 steps.  Very little here is on the same level.  One round trip to the beaches below is approximately 1,500 steps.  This is not a place for the mobility challenged.
Another perspective of Amalfi.
Another perspective of Amalfi at dusk.
Stunning view
The same stunning view taken during the day.
Capri's harbor.
Capri’s harbor upon my ferry’s arrival.
Road to AnaCapri.
The road to AnaCapri is in many spots only one lane.  If one suffers from acrophobia it’s advisable to keep your eyes closed.  Otherwise the trip would be  impossible.  The hotel I booked into was in AnaCapri.
Another image of this wild road.
Another image of this wild road.
This continued to amaze me.
This continued to amaze me as well as freak me out when traveling on it.  Any slight tremor and this structure will crumble like a box of Oreo cookies when dropped.  The resulting plunge to the sea is approximately 1,400 feet.
Harbor view from AnaCapri.
Capri’s harbor from AnaCapri.
Brilliant water colors.
Brilliant water colors on a very clear day.
Image of the Amalfi coast from atop of Capri
Image of the Amalfi coast in the distance from atop of AnaCapri.  Just below is the municipality of Capri.
The drop to the sea below was about 1,850 feet.
Check out this plunge to the sea below which was about 1,850 feet.  No mis-steps here.
Goats encountered during a hike.
Goats encountered during a hike.  I was able to literally smell them coming.
Also found atop of the Island
Also found atop of the Island was this ancient roman sculpture.
Boats seem to be cavorting arounds these rock outcroppings.
Boats seem to be cavorting arounds these rock outcroppings.  The homes pictured are a part of the residential portion of Capri.
View from my hotel's balcony.
View from my hotel’s balcony during a beautiful sunset..


Hotel's lobby
Hotel’s lobby at the Capri Palace Hotel in AnaCapri.
My favorite barista.
My favorite barista.
Pool image
Hotel’s pool image from the walkway to the bus.  Just like a tank at Marine World, but with no fish.
Another very trippy image of the pool.
Another very trippy image of the pool at night.  I wish I walked by here when someone was swimming.
They were in someone's garden. There is a local pre-occupation with these characters.
These were in someone’s garden. There is a local pre-occupation with these characters.  There must be something about Snow White and her dwarfs, but I was unable to figure it out.
Gippetto the cobbler making sandals
Geppetto the cobbler making sandals while a very pretty tourist looks on.
Sculpted from plaster. Perfectly proportioned too.
Sculpted from plaster. Perfectly proportioned too.