Palermo, Sicily

Palermo is a trip, and at times a challenge.  While there is a lot of beauty it can at times be an assault on all of your five senses.  A paradox absolutely.  I spent eight days here, which was way too long.  Three is probably perfect.  I’m not going to provide you guys with a lot of history as you can get that from other sources.  I just hope you enjoy the this post as well as the few to follow.

The entrance to my building's flat was so much more impressive than the actual fat itself. Pictured here is the housekeeper that was included in the rent.
The entrance to my building’s flat was so much more impressive than the actual flat itself. Pictured here is the housekeeper that was included in the rent.
Here’s my housekeeper helping me settle in.
Graffiti is in no short supply in this city. After a few days I began to take outings with my housekeeper. My broken Sicilian and her broken english blended well
Beati Paoli is the name of a medieval sect which existed in Sicily over 800 years ago. These were knights who fought for the commoners and poor. Also the name of the mediocre restaurant which I happened to love. So much for reviews. Glad I was not dissuaded from this place.


This pic is of me and my favorite and only waiter, Joe Pesci.
This pic is of me and my favorite and only waiter, Joe Pesci.
Here’s the restaurant. The calamari is terrific.
Guess what kind of establishment this is? Not a clothing store. It’s a great little restaurant in Cefalu. Say whatever you want, but these Sicilians have style.
Is nothing sacred? These little shrines are everywhere, and yes so is the graffiti.
This cat was way more relaxed than I was ever able to get here in this city.  I felt I was placed in a post apocalyptic movie.  And the movie was a bit too long.


This just about says it all. After a few days here I felt the same way.  My housekeeper couldn’t read english so she still smiling.