The Rock of Gibraltar


Gibraltar –

Most Americans only know Gibraltar’s silhouette as the long lasting Prudential Insurance logo, and know little else.  Well, I hope this installment of is not too lengthy, but there is quite a bit more to this tiny Country.  Gibraltar is a very small (only 7 sq. miles) but amazing place.  There are about 30,000 inhabitants here.  As the portal to the Mediterranean, the Rock of Gibraltar rises some 1400 ft from the sea.  It is not an island as it is linked to the Spanish mainland.  Gibraltar is a possession of Britain and in many ways classically British.  Most of the inhabitants (whether their descent be Italian, Iberian, Indian, Jewish Morocan or Maltese) – are united in preserving the British connection.

Within the “Rock” there are some 33 miles of tunnels.  Some are for auto traffic, while others are for pedestrian use.  Some of these were excavated during the various wars fought here.  Those have some museum-like exhibits with big guns and related armaments, as well as historical displays.

In a few days time I will be visiting Malaga, Spain so please check it out.

Here is that famous silhouette of the Rock of Gibraltar taken from the sea.  Obviously, if you want to play golf your going to have to go elsewhere.  There is no room for a course anywhere on the Rock.
Seaside community pictured here. Appears to be quite idyllic.
The Gibraltar mosque.  And no, the swing set in the foreground is not part of the mosque property, as any fun is not permitted.
St. Michael’s Cave.  Inside the Rock are natural limestone caves.  This particular one plays host to many concert performances.  Also, these caves were home to some of the last Neanderthal people.
These Macaque Monkey appears to be a “take no shit” monkey, and he is.  If you roll down the car window and happen to be eating anything he will enter the vehicle and grab whatever you are enjoying.  I saw it happen.
As well as many people.  The stairs were about 12 inches wide and there were about 200 of them.   Check out the fangs on these suckers.  One good bite and your pretty miserable.


Top of “The Rock,” and obviously not 30 Rock.  These monkeys rule this area and as the folklore has it, as long as the monkeys are here, Gibraltar shall remain under British sovereignty.  As such, during WWII Churchill order that the furry rascals be fed.  I guess everyone bows to some form of superstition now and again.   Most of this area is a designated nature preserve.
World War II simulated bunker carved into the cliffs.
Spain is on the other side of the runway.  Besides that, notice the street intersecting the runway.  There are traffic lights to stop vehicles when a plane is present.  Only about 6 flights take off and land each day.
Main pedestrian street lined with many pubs and high-end shops.
This english bobby hasn’t much to do except chase these pigeons away.  The ramparts in the background which were once used during wartime are now host to yet more shops and pubs.  This courtyard is near the Convent which is now home to the governor.  The soldier on duty carries out a frequent Changing of the Guard ceremony since he really had nothing else to do.


Funchal, Madeira

Madeira is an island approximately 350 miles off the coast of North Africa. It is a province of Portugal. It has been described as the island of eternal spring. Portugal is approximately 600 miles to the northeast. Funchal is the capital and is home to about one-third of the island’s 265,000 people.
Thousands of red tile-roofed homes cling the the steep cliffs that were once carpeted with fennel, their gardens overflowing with greenery and flowers.  The climate is as near perfect as it gets since it is in the gulf-stream flow of the Atlantic Ocean.  The warmest month has an average temperature of 73 degrees F, while the coolest is 61 degrees F.  This island receives a near perfect 28 inches of rain annually.  About 55% of that is in November-January.

Year round the clean, clear sea is excellent for bathing, snorkeling, water-skiing and fishing.  The streets, as well as the air are almost pristine.  Parks and cobbled streets are found to be prevalent.  There is an old town the is quite charming, and as you would imagine, very pedestrian friendly.  As with most of these european cities there is a great open food market which is filled with produce, meats, and fish.

I took a 3 hour bike tour while I was there and it was fabulous.  That day was sunny and 64 degrees F.   The tour took me from the old town to the new areas (as depicted in my photo images.)  While riding through the newer more cosmopolitan parts of town there were abundant opportunities to be either hit by cars and buses, or have car doors opened in your path.  The roads were similar to Rome but with more traffic circles.  There were no bike paths and consequently we were in the street with the rest of the vehicles.  Since there were 14 participants in the tour I believed my odds to be pretty good for not becoming a statistic.  I also remained near the middle of the group for some added protection.  I completed this outstanding tour without incident, and so did everyone else.  In just a couple of days I will arrive in Gibraltar.  Please await for heads up email for that one.

Old town cafe.  Flowering trees are everywhere.  Some were in pots and some in the ground.
Typical cobbled street  in the old town.  Not much to say about this image.
Another cafe and because I’m early no one is here.  The menu was great too.  Octopus was a specialty.  Pity it was only 9:30 AM.
Hillside village.  No risks of slides because of the abundant vegetation and the fact that annual rainfall is a near perfect 28 inches (or 700 mm.)
Ferns are found everywhere. Also important is the fact that there are no snakes on the island.  Also of note is that mosquitos are also nonexistent.  Another plus for visiting here. If I could only speak Portuguese I consider moving here.
Tropical plants and trees are common here.  The most ferocious creature one may encounter is a small lizard.
Just look at the tuna on this guy’s table.  He looks fairly uninspired.  Not sure why sales are slow, because this fish could almost sell itself.  Perhaps sales are slow because this guy can’t sell.  Good thing he works for himself, otherwise he’d be canned.  But not his fish.  Just sashimi it and I’m in.
Anyone for some fresh barracuda?  Just take a look at these toothy bastards.  Some of the larger ones can be poisonous.  So how can you tell?   Fillet the fish and get it on ice immediately.  Next, give a fillet to your neighbor and put the rest in your refrigerator.  The next morning knock on  your neighbors door and if he opens it, the fish is OK to eat.
Fruit and vegetable market.  Typical but not very interesting.

Transatlantic to The French Riviera

If you have the time and are planning a European holiday try to coordinate it so that you can either sail to Europe from the States, or better yet sail back to the States.  I prefer sailing back (west) because of the time zone changes giving you 6 or 7 additional hours, as opposed to losing them.  Either way there is no jet lag and you will have an amazing time meeting sojourners from all over our planet.  Another good reason for opting for sailing as opposed to flying is that these sailings are what are known as “repositionings.”  Basically moving the ship from one part of the world to another, with only a limited number of ports.  On this voyage I’ll be spending time in Funchal, Madiera as well as Gibraltar and Malaga, Spain before arriving at Monte Carlo, my point of disembarkation.  Consequently, these sailings are relatively cheep in comparison to those stopping at many ports.  So, if you like sea days (and there is a lot to like), this slow mode of transportation (18 MPH) might be for you.

I had a trip planned in January where I was sailing from Los Angeles to Auckland New Zealand.  Unfortunately, one day in I received an email about a death in the family.  The first opportunity to abort the trip and fly back would not occur for another 12 days when the ship arrived in Tahiti.  At that point I bailed and returned back to the states.  So the transatlantic voyage was in essence a “redo,” if you will.

I’m sailing (or cruising) on a small high-end ship known as the Seabourn Quest.  I use the term “sailing” interchangeably with cruising as it is a term which is a part of a rich nautical history and lexicon.  This ship has only 450 passengers but is not significantly smaller than a ship carrying 1,600 passengers.  It is equipped with all modern stabilizer equipment and is very comfortable.

I meet people from all over the world on board.  Most have a great appetite for exploration and more importantly, fun.  The crowd is for the most part very interesting to engage with.  I rarely get to my cabin before 1 AM, after drinking, dining, more drinking, and of course dancing.  It is a pretty good workout both physically and socially.  Because the first 10 days out of Fort Lauderdale are sea days, early awakenings are not necessary.  This allows for burning the candle at both ends.

Daily life is pretty relaxing.  Eating, reading, the gym, daily trivia,and usually some day drinking.  This cruise line is all inclusive, and high end as well.  So as you might imagine the scene around any bar on board is very friendly.  One can be as busy or as useless during these days at sea.  Therein lies the beauty of this experience.  On sea days there is no place to go and all day to do it.   After being at sea for some 6 days, we will not arrive in Madiera for 4 more.  Please login into the blog for that experience.  Meantime, I must return to the pool deck for some afternoon beverages.

Fellow shipmate from Germany. Fun guy who only got me in trouble once. Some of these Germans can really party.
Fellow shipmate from Germany. Fun guy who only got me in trouble once. Some of these Germans can really party.  But I believe I hurt him more than he hurt me.
Although there are several pools and jacuzzis scattered about this is the main pool area.
Although there are several pools and jacuzzis scattered about the vessel, this is the main pool area.
Lunchtime for me. This was a perfectly sautéed wahoo. The french fries were a daily event with or without lunch.
Lunchtime for me. This was a perfectly sautéed wahoo. The french fries were a daily event with or without lunch.
Martin shaking me up an awesome vodka martini. He was probably my favorite crew person on board. As soon as he saw me walk into the Observation lounge he started shakin'.
Martin shaking me up an awesome vodka martini. He was probably my favorite crew person on board. As soon as he saw me walk into the Observation lounge he started shakin’.
Another shipmate. This guy is from Austrialia. As evidenced by his speedo.
Another shipmate. This guy is from Austrialia, as evidenced by his speedo “Aussiebum.” Trust me when I say this photo is his good side.
Evening under the stars. And when you are thousands of miles from land there are a crazy amount of them.
Evening under the stars. And when you are thousands of miles from land there are a crazy amount of them.  Acoustics are pretty amazing outside as well.
One of many beautiful sunsets.
One of many beautiful sunsets.