Sex, Drugs, & Mineral Baths

It is June now. Amongst other things, that can mean two things; it is the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, and the beginning of the 2015 Mineral Bath Tour. Our first stop is a little known gem by the name of Ojo Caliente.  It is a small place with approximately 45 or 50 rooms.  This place has a certain vibe of which you immediately become aware. It’s very chill and definitely not in the least bit pretentious. It is located about 325 miles south of Denver, Colorado and about 45 miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico on highway 285

Its best to make a reservation for 3 or 4 nights. I prefer the Pueblo Suites which each boast piñon burning fireplaces, and share a semi private mineral bath. The suites also have a small kitchen so its great to travel with your own snacks, drinks and whatever.
Ojo has a great full service restaurant and have their own organic fruits and vegetable farm on site. The menu is both reasonable priced and varied, although most of the dishes have a southwestern flair, as one would expect. The have a wine and beer license only, so if you enjoy stronger libations you must bring your own.
There is also an outdoor fire pit which attracts people to its warmth almost constantly.  The baths though are the main attraction to this place. They consist of only naturally occurring minerals (however, no sulfur so no rotten eggs in the air). The water is almost constantly flushed with fresh water, thus ensuring clean and clear waters.  There are no chemicals used in the baths.  (Only the swimming pool uses a low amount of chlorine as required by health laws.)  Among the minerals in the bath waters are iron, soda, lithium, arsenic, and sodium.  These imbue a variety of health benefits.  They aid in digestion and promote healthy skin and tone, as well as reducing the effects of arthritis.  Blood pressure is also lowered, not to mention the overall relaxed and almost euphoric feeling you enjoy.  If you desire more intense euphoria one can always travel with their own inventory of friendly herbs which produce this result.  Remember, marijuana friendly Colorado is just to the north.

While soaking in the baths is my primary activity, the place also offers a full service (and again non-pretentious) spa.  The treatments almost seem mandatory during your stay here.  My favorite is the organic blue corn and salt scrub.  Their prices are also very reasonable.  Ojo also has a variety of small yoga classes which are conducted in the yurt.  Most of the guests are wearing Ojo provided robes.  The other activity which may be enjoyed is hiking.  There is an abundance of old pottery and artifacts which are encountered along the way while hiking.

For those of you who travel by mobile home or the like, you should note that they have a limited number of pads for rent as well.  These have all the usual hookups one would expect to find.  From this area (which is located adjacent to the river) it is a 5 minute walk to the baths and main bath house.  If this sort of experience appeals to you please visit their website at

The view on the approach to Ojo Caliente.
The view on the approach to Ojo Caliente.
Area surrounding Ojo Caliente.
Area surrounding Ojo Caliente.
Not much out here but Ojo Caliente.
Not much out here but Ojo Caliente.
View from reception.
View from reception.
This is a brief description of the waters.
This is a brief description of the waters.
These are four unknown guests who were kind enough to pose for me and look natural.
These are four unknown guests who were kind enough to pose for me and look natural.
The Artesian Restaurant scene.
The Artesian Restaurant scene.
Just one of the many baths.  Temp today in the water was 104 degrees.  The air about 60.  Perfect.
Just one of the many baths. Temp today in the water was 104 degrees. The air about 60. Perfect.
Another view of a couple of the baths.
Another view of a couple of the baths.
The place has a bit of history too.
The place has a bit of history too.
Fire pit being enjoyed by 2 guests.
Fire pit being enjoyed by 2 guests.
These private pools may be rented in order to enjoy a naked dip with your partner or whatever.  They are really great at night.
These private pools may be rented in order to enjoy a naked dip with your partner or whatever. They are really great at night.
Hammocks abound the place as well.  Beyond this hammock is the semi private bath enjoyed by only the Pueblo and Cliffside Suite guests.
Hammocks abound the place as well. Beyond this hammock is the semi private bath enjoyed by only the Pueblo and Cliffside Suite guests.
The kiva fireplace in a guest's Pueblo Suite.
The kiva fireplace in a guest’s Pueblo Suite.
The Artesian Restaurant scene.
The Artesian Restaurant scene.
Uplighting on the surrounding cliffs at night.
Uplighting on the surrounding cliffs at night.
This is a view from a hike a took.  No snakes today.
This is a view from a hike a took. No snakes today.